Friday 11 April 2014

Shittest cars that had the Audacity To be Mass Produced

1.) Morris Marina

This car was so poorly executed in its manufacturing that it would have served better as a chicken coop than a car. During its years there were countless reports of its brakes not functioning, bits and bobs falling off whilst driving, wheels becoming loose from its axles, gearboxes getting stuck and huge patches of rust developing within weeks of purchase as a brand new car. All in all, this car is an absolute dog's dinner of a digested dog's dinner.

(p.s - and I'm glad Top Gear dropped a piano on it)

2.) Reva G-Wiz

Ugly, uncomfortable and dangerous. But hey, its eco-friendly so... 

Nahh, its too ugly. 
 3.) Rover CityRover

Can you get any more original than the name 'Rover CityRover' !? I think by this time, Rover had undergone a stroke of some kind, some kind of internal management dysfunction. This car was so not-original that it wasn't even designed by Rover! It was a rebadged version of some model by an Indian company called Tata Indica, which to be honest, sounds more like a curry shop.

4.) Reliant Robin

Statistically people who drive three wheelers are the safest drivers on the planet.
However, this is where I would put safety last.

5.) Rover Metro 100

Another abomination by Rover. The metro 100 was dubbed as one of the least safest cars to drive in, because its airbags did not inflate fully during a collision. Now its driven by OAPs who drive at 5mph down every road so whether the airbag inflates or not it doesn't really matter. 

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